Servizio fotografico aziende Pisa
E’ bello constatare che la fotografia di reportage industriale e aziendale stia ormai sta diventando una “fetta” importante del mio lavoro.
Dopo aver lavorato per Benetti Yacht, ISE, Lanartex (presto le immagini del servizio) ed altri, adesso ho nel mio portfolio clienti anche ThyssenKrupp Encasa, nello specifico l’azienda di pisa che si occupa di un settore particolare della ThyssenKrupp.
Sono stato contattato dal responsabile marketing della sede per aggiornare le immagini della produzione, secondo le richieste specifiche della sede centrale in Germania.
Lo stabilimento Pisano si occupa dell’assemblaggio e installazione delle piattaforme elevatrici idrauliche prodotte in Olanda oltre che della costruzione, imballaggio e installazione dei montascale: si tratta di ausili per persone con difficoltà motorie che siamo abituati a vedere nelle stazioni e nei luoghi pubblici, con una meccanica e un design estremamente particolare.
La richiesta della committenza consisteva nella documentazione di questo complesso processo produttivo che si snodava su una sequenza di fasi stabilite come uno story board da rappresentare nel modo che ritenevo più opportuno. Nella realizzazione del servizio fotografico gli uomini della produzione hanno condiviso il loro tempo di lavoro e la loro esperienza ventennale con cordialità e collaborazione permettendomi di svolgere al massimo delle possibilità il mio lavoro.
Tutto il lavoro è stato impostato con logiche di fotografia di studio (la mia favorita!), e per questo servizio fotografico aziendale ho portato con me un bank Bowens da 150 cm, pannelli, oltre alle mie adorate ottiche Nikon e le mie due assistenti Annalisa e Dania.
business photo shooting | Tuscany
It ‘nice to see that reportage photography industrial and business is now becoming an important “slice” of my work.
After working for Benetti Yacht, ISE, Lanartex (early images of the service) and others, I now have in my portfolio clients also ThyssenKrupp Encasa, specifically the company of pisa that deals with a particular area of ThyssenKrupp.
I was contacted by the marketing manager of the office to update the pictures of the production, according to the requirements of the headquarters in Germany.
The Pisan plant active in the assembly and installation of hydraulic lifting platforms produced in the Netherlands as well as the construction, packing and installation of stair lift: this is aids for people with mobility impairments who are used to seeing in the stations and in public places, with a mechanical and an extremely special.
The request of the client consisted of the documentation of this complex production process that wound on a sequence of steps set out as a story board to represent in the way I thought was most appropriate. In the realization of the photo shoot production of men have shared their time working and their twenty-year experience with cordiality and collaboration by allowing me to perform to the best of my ability work.
All the work has been set with the logic of studio photography (my favorite!), and for this photo I took with me a bank Bowens 150 cm, panels, in addition to my beloved Nikon lenses and my two assistants Annalisa and Dania.
business photo shooting | Tuscany
It ‘nice to see that reportage photography industrial and business is now becoming an important “slice” of my work.
After working for Benetti Yacht, ISE, Lanartex (early images of the service) and others, I now have in my portfolio clients also ThyssenKrupp Encasa, specifically the company of pisa that deals with a particular area of ThyssenKrupp.
I was contacted by the marketing manager of the office to update the pictures of the production, according to the requirements of the headquarters in Germany.
The Pisan plant active in the assembly and installation of hydraulic lifting platforms produced in the Netherlands as well as the construction, packing and installation of stair lift: this is aids for people with mobility impairments who are used to seeing in the stations and in public places, with a mechanical and an extremely special.
The request of the client consisted of the documentation of this complex production process that wound on a sequence of steps set out as a story board to represent in the way I thought was most appropriate. In the realization of the photo shoot production of men have shared their time working and their twenty-year experience with cordiality and collaboration by allowing me to perform to the best of my ability work.
All the work has been set with the logic of studio photography (my favorite!), and for this photo I took with me a bank Bowens 150 cm, panels, in addition to my beloved Nikon lenses and my two assistants Annalisa and Dania.
Servizio fotografico aziende Pisa | Toscana
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